
Blips on a blog was born, like any good passion project, out of profound heartbreak. Very “take your broken heart and make art” of you, Annie. It started, as all good scribblings do, as a phone note collecting an unbelievable excess of feelings…grief, hatred, anger, sadness…musings and wonderings and ponderings and a very prolific amount of nonsense. SO. MUCH. NONSENSE.

BUT amongst all the nonsenses were a few gems…a handful of blips..that seemed…not terrible? Almost decent…

And so…the sharing of the blips began…first trepidatiously….to a handful of friends, then a few more, and the feedback was…also not terrible…positive, even. Encouraging. Very “share your broken heart art”, Annie.

And as we all know, once the main character receives that precious bit of motivation…of affirmation…the passion project must launch into a more visible realm…encouraged by a few bits of, well, encouragement? Bit redundant, Annie…better work on that…the best of the musings and wonderings and ponderings and yes, even the nonsense, must find their way into the world.

Via squarespace, of all mediums.

And thus, here we are.


Do you have a blip? A pondering, a musing, a wondering, or even a bit of nonsense you’d like to share? Do you want to say hello, or, ya know, anything else? WOULD YOU LIKE TO GIVE ME MONEY? (Coming on a bit strong there, aren’t you Annie…)

Either way…drop us a line :)